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We have many volunteer opportunities needed within our chapter. Here are a few listed below. Feel free to contact us if you would like to volunteer for one of the opportunities listed or would like to ask about a volunteer opportunity not listed here.

save the streams
save the streams
save the streams (1)


Stream Monitoring

The Izaak Walton League’s Save Our Streams program is the only nationwide program training volunteers to protect waterways from pollution and bring information about water quality to their communities.


The program began in 1969, when water pollution problems were easy to see – like massive oil spills and burning rivers. Early Save Our Streams volunteers cleaned up trash from their local waterways and reported problems like streams becoming clogged with silt.


In the 1980s, the League recognized that with the right training, volunteers could collect scientifically valid data to assess water quality in local streams – a conviction that has proven true. Ever since, the League has been teaching volunteers to study stream health and report their findings to decision-makers.


​Today, trained volunteer stream monitors across the country are uncovering pollution problems and urging their local leaders to take action on water quality. The work of these volunteers also creates a critical record of water quality over time, making it possible to quickly identify pollution problems that may develop in the future.


Anybody can get trained as a volunteer stream monitor – and anybody can collect valuable data about the health of their local stream with no training at all. How will you help to Save Our Streams?






Anti-Litter Committee

Volunteer to keep our streams and streets clean! Our Anti-Litter Committee invites members and the community to help us pick up the litter in our local streams and roadways. 

Izaak Walton Warren County


Youth Programs

Help with our outdoor youth program, including our popular Walton Wednesdays Summer Series, and our Annual Youth Day. We have a desire to grow our youth program as we build our committee and volunteer pool.


Other Volunteer Opportunities

IWLA Warren County VA welcomes volunteers to meet at the Chapter on Friday mornings to enjoy a home-cooked breakfast and great conversation, followed by building and grounds maintenance activities.  Our volunteers are passionate about conservation and keeping the park and home a beautiful place for all to visit. Our dedicated Building and Grounds Crew undertake various activities including house maintenance, pond maintenance, construction projects, trail maintenance and other environmental projects to preserve our natural world. Experience the sheer passion and commitment of our team, and the strong sense of pride by volunteering.  We'd love to see you there!

iwla pond


Ways and Means

This is such an important committee!  Through fundraising and grants, we are able to keep costs down for our members and offer a scholarship program to graduating seniors each year heading off to college to study environmental science, outdoor recreation, or other STEM-based programs that tie in with the mission of the Chapter.


Volunteers to help with our fundraisers either to lead them or provide help during the events and those with grant writing experience are needed!  Please consider joining the team!


Outdoor Recreation

Do you love hiking, hunting, fishing, shooting sports, archery,  backpacking, backcountry camping, and more?  If so, this could be a fun committee to lead or join!  We would love to develop some educational programs for adults to keep the love of playing outdoors alive and well!

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